Ankh Plated Silver Pendant (F102)


Ankh represented the key to all hidden knowledge.

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Ankh Plated Silver Pendant

1 x 2.5 cm

The ankh symbol—sometimes referred to as the key of life or the key of the nile, is representative of eternal life in Ancient Egypt.  It could also have a more physical connotation: the ankh may represent water, air, and the sun. The Ankh has long-since been revered as a powerful bringer of wealth and good-fortune.

It signified wisdom and insight on the highest level and it was also a fertility symbol. From the spiritual point of view the ankh represented the key to all hidden knowledge. The loop symbolized the eternal soul as it has no beginning or end. The ankh was the key to unraveling the mysteries of life and death. The Ankh is the symbol of transformation or transmutation, faith.

The Ankh, a cross crowned by an oval, refers to the reconciliation of the opposites (feminine – masculine) and also to the symbol used to designate the planet Venus, a reason that makes it an element of numerous feminine cults.

In addition to being a powerful personal or home amulet, it is possible to use the Ankh in meditation exercises, mainly aimed at connecting with spirituality or divine healing energy.

  • To do this, the practitioner must be comfortably dressed, without any garment that puts pressure on his or her body. Similarly, he must eliminate any distractions.
  • Meditation begins by concentrating on the breath (take 3 deep breaths and then let your body breathe on its own), when you feel you are focused on the present moment, visualize white light around you.
  • Then, you begin to glimpse in your mind the figure of an Ankh or Egyptian cross of pure white light, emanating vibrations of peace and health towards you. Receive the energy with gratitude.
  • This exercise should not take longer than 5 minutes. Return to the present moment, again focusing on your breathing.