Archangel Raphael Anointing Oil 50ml (AA11)


Heals all ailments, guides healers and would be healers. Heal animals, the earth, and humans. Bring prosperity.

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Raphael angel anointing oil: “He who heals” Heals all ailments, guides healers and would be healers. Heal animals, the earth, and humans. Bring prosperity. Harmony. Is a 4th ray of light and works with 3rd eye chakra.

Raphael is a powerful healer and assists with all forms of healing – humans and animals. He helps to rapidly heal body, mind and He’s very sweet, loving, kind and gentle and you know that he’s around when you see sparkles or flashes of green light.Part of Raphael’s healing work involves spirit releasement and space clearing. He often works with Michael to exorcise discarnate entities and escort away lower energies from people and places. As well as a healer, Raphael is known as the “Patron of Travelers. Raphael not only helps you to heal from physical, emotional and mental pain, he also heals wounds from past lives.Other areas Raphael helps with is finding lost pets, reducing and eliminating addictions and cravings, clairvoyance, bringing unity to your life, if you feel out of touch with your spirituality, if you’ve lost a partner and/or your soul/body doesn’t feel “whole”.

Our angel essences and remedies are charged with our own medicine wheel & labyrinth while surrounded by a rose quartz grid. It is lovingly prepared using the energy of both the Sun and the Moon in the Mother tincture. The tincture is then charged on a geometric grid.

Our range of biblical and or magic oils can be used by Christian’s, pastors, spiritual healers, wiccan’s, pagan, traditional healers, sangoma’s, and all other esoteric fields.

Anointing oil is sacred oil, blessed and charged and specially formulated for the purposes of sanctifying or elevating sacred objects or people in the service of a higher purpose.

How to use anointing oils

  • Oils can be used to anoint the body at the forehead and pulse points at wrists
  • Random items that some will anoint are door knobs, doors, windows, outside gates, talismans & charms, jewellery, crystal gemstone jewellery, money, coins, wands, besoms, vehicles, candles, the list is endless really.
  • Crystals can be anointed to charge, consecrate, cleanse or empower.
  • Jewellery is almost always anointed by Christians, pagans, wiccans, spiritualists, healers, mediums and the like.
  • Altars can be anointed with oils to cleanse and increase their power
  • Ritual Tools can also be anointed with oils to heighten their power and effectiveness.