Blue Lace Agate Chip Stone Bracelet
Aids communication. It is a very good nurturing and supportive stone. Renowned as the stone of peace and calmness, Blue Lace Agate reduces tension and heals the effects of stress. It is especially soothing to sensitive people who are at risk of being overwhelmed by other people’s emotions and energies or to violent people who find it difficult to talk about their anger. Releases suppressed femininity and help you to be comfortable with the female aspect of your nature. Works well for workshop presenters, lecturers, teachers, and motivational speakers. Helps you to express the highest spiritual truths. Helps build confidence. Enhance loyalty and trustworthiness. Works to amplify positive affirmations. This stone will also assist to balance the throat chakra of those who struggle to stop talking.
Healing: Helps with fighting inflammation, fever and infection. Placed on the 3rd Eye the stone soothes headaches, especially if you visualise the pain being drawn into the delicate banding on the stone. Placed under the pillow it helps bring a deep and healing sleep and is especially soothing for restless babies and children. Used for skeletal issues, arthritis. Helps to protect the throat from over-stimulation, and eases sore throat, laryngitis, or other inflammations in the throat area. Can be used effectively when using sound healing.
Use in animals: Promotes sleep, calms an anxious pet, and boosts self-esteem. Reduces barking. Neutralizes feelings of anger. Helps with animal communication
Throat, third eye chakra. Calms and soothes the aura. As a elixir it treats brain fluid imbalances and hydrocephalus.