Carnelian Stone Heart (SSP331)


Sexuality, creativity, protection when travelling, sacral chakra.

1 in stock



Size 6 cm x 2.5 cm x 5 cm

Weight 0.138 kilogram

Creativity, physical vitality, grounding. Also known as the stone of the traveler. Protects you when travelling. Believed to help ease the separation of the astral body from the physical, the first stage in astral travel. Sleeping with Carnelian under your pillow can help to encourage vivid dreams and astral experiences. Lowers inhibitions and dispels shyness and self-doubt so that you can become comfortable with your sexual nature and fully enjoy sex. Helps you to make the most of your talents and focus your physical energy to create change in your life. Balances the mind between spiritual meditation and the need to put insights into action and do something constructive with your powers. Artist and those who create can use this stone to excel in their professions.

Healing: Healing for PMS, endometriosis, sciatica, pelvic and reproductive disorders. Believed to help prevent miscarriage and assure a speedy birth

Use in animals:  Relaxes your pet’s mind, emotions, and physical cells, so they can release their disharmony and disease. Promotes emotional warmth, individuality, courage, happiness, and harmony. It also helps release emotions such as anger, fear, and envy. Attach a Carnelian charm to your shy or nervous dog or cat’s collar. Carnelian is beneficial for hot spots, itch and other skin problems.

Sacral chakra. Protect the aura.

Magical properties: Associated with elemental Fire and a powerful stone for anyone working Fire magic. Sacred to the Goddess Isis. Boosts all psychic and magical powers, especially intuitive gifts such as psychometry, dowsing and clairvoyance. Has a long affinity with sexual energies and brings great power to sex magic.

Additional information

Weight0.138 kg
Dimensions6 × 2.5 × 5 cm