Ceremonial Wiccan Broom & Wand (SX35)


Ceremonial Wiccan Broom & Wand

1 in stock


Ceremonial Wiccan Broom & Wand – Wiccan Besom.

Traditionally called a “besom” and handmade in South Africa. The broom is not considered to be a core ritual tool in Wicca, but it is often used to purify the ritual space before casting the sacred circle. This doesn’t usually involve actual sweeping, however—the bristles of the besom generally don’t even touch the floor.

This is more of a ritual, energetic purifying of the space, removing negative energy or just plain energetic “clutter.” This step happens after a good mundane sweeping with a regular broom (or vacuum) has already taken place. Because ritual brooms serve as purifiers, they are associated with the element of Water, and are therefore sacred to the Goddess.

The broom can also be used to help close the circle at the end of ritual. In fact, it can be highly effective at dissipating residual energies raised during the ritual. During the ritual itself, the broom will usually sit to the side of the wiccan altar. Otherwise, it’s common to place it near the entrance to your home, to guard against negative or unwanted energy.

Also see  Book of Shadows Manual (Guide to Magic) and Casting a Circle Salt 150g (N45)