Elemental Medicine Wheel (C21)


Each of the elements resonate with a energy that works on a specific correspondence/intent in life.

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Elemental Medicine Wheel

Each of the elements resonate with a energy that works on a specific spell correspondence/intent

Find direction in life and for aligning physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual realities by connecting to the Elements.

Can be used as a sacred space, aid to meditation, a altar, centering your consciousness, honouring nature & as a protector. Place stones on a flat surface.

Clear quartz or selenite: (Center/spirit) Master healer

Amethyst: (Water/West) Spiritual protection

Red Jasper: (Fire/South) Supreme nurturer and balancer

Tigers eye: (Earth/North) Balance, relieve stress, protect

Yellow jasper or citrine: (Air/East) Abundance

Clear quartz: (on ordinal directions) Master healer

Includes: 9 Stones