Fired Agate Healing Pendant (PLP10)


Protective, grounding, courage, aphrodisiac, spiritual awakening,

2 in stock


Fired agate healing pendant is grounding and inspiring, making it an incredible tool for spiritual awakening. Give courage to follow spiritual path, and use to repel psychic and emotional vampires. Attuned to the Root and Sacral Chakras; is linked to Aries, Leo, Sagittarius and the element of Fire and Earth; and vibrate to the Number 9.

Passionate and joyful energy that is also fiercely protective. Its energy is also a wonderful aphrodisiac. Help to attract new lovers and incite passion in existing relationships.

Help to think for ourselves and not allow the opinions of others to negatively influence us. Encourage us to follow our dreams and to believe that we can achieve goals. It is also a highly creative stone making it useful for all types of artists, particularly those who need to regularly produce or perform. Give mental stamina. Fired Agate healing pendant can also help us to navigate the tricky terrain of a negative work environment. Keep negative coworkers from bothering us so that we can stay productive and peaceful.

Called a stone of “eternal youth” and bring vitality to the entire body. Increase digestion and assist with sexual dysfunction. Finally treat the central nervous system. Like other Agates, use to treat eye disorders.