Unicorn Ceramic Statue B (L19)


The unicorn symbolism is linked to purity, freedom, gentleness, virginity, innocence, divinity, and magic.

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The unicorn is one of a very few mythical creatures that is considered to be beneficial in almost all traditions. Through many different cultures the unicorn is universally beautiful, mysterious, and difficult to capture or tame.

Unicorns have a place in Greek mythology, Chinese traditions, in the art of the Indus Valley and India. Greek writers including Pliny the Elder and Aristotle mention the unicorn in their writings. Translators of the Hebrew Bible used “unicorn” for the word “re’em” and give at least eight mentions of the unicorn in the Old Testament.

The unicorn symbolism is linked to purity, freedom, gentleness, virginity, innocence, divinity, and magic. Christians believe that the unicorn symbol is that of Christ and Mother Mary themselves. Seeing unicorns in dreams is inevitably a sign of good luck, happiness, and a positive omen.

Unicorns have also long been a representation of the Moon. This is another clear indication of their association to feminine energy.  The association to feminine yin energy is also evident in the mysterious, intuitive, and magical characteristics ascribed to the unicorn.

The feminine nature of the unicorn is so common throughout different cultures that it is often considered to be a valid archetype or universal energy pattern.

Often considered the most wondrous of all mythical creatures, the unicorn is also a symbol of magic, miracles, and enchantment. The magical and enchanting unicorn appears to only a rare few and has the ability to bestow magic, miracles and wisdom to those who are pure of heart and virtuous in their deeds.