Bloodstone Chip Earrings | Heliotrope
Brings confidence, courage, and strength of mind and firmness of purpose. Helps you take control of your life and overcome feelings of helplessness. Brings success in games and competitions and is renowned as a lucky stone for gamblers. Sleeping with the stone beneath your pillow will show you the future in your dreams. Teaches you to find emotional balance and the courage to follow your heart.
Excellent blood cleanser, immune stimulator and and powerful healer. Especially effective when used to treat lower back pain or any blood disorders such as anemia, diabetes, high blood pressure and circulation problems. Encourages the flow of energy to the tissues and increases overall health.
Use in animals: Bloodstone strengthens the immune system and keeps it alert and responsive to the needs of your pet’s physical body. Bloodstone’s energy empowers certain components in the bloodstream that are vital to optimal immune function. This makes your pet’s body an incompatible environment for infections of all kinds. Bloodstone also removes burdens from the immune system as it facilitates the removal of toxins from the body and enhances the cells’ absorption of nutrients. Use with Bloodstone (Heliotrope) Gemstone Elixir 50ml (E36)
Chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart. Cleanses the aura
Also known as ‘Ematille’ (especially in old grimoires) and ‘Heliotrope’ (meaning ‘turns with the Sun’). Associated with the healing powers of the Sun. A piece of Bloodstone dipped in water channels the power of the Sun God to create a magical potion. When used together Bloodstone and the herb Heliotrope are reputed to make the bearer invisible.