Alfalfa herb
Magic: Used for money drawing and to insure against poverty. Traditionally known as a ‘lucky’ herb. Although not powerful enough to be used alone, this herb works well with others in helping to reinforce other luck and money herbs while adding a bit of protective insurance. Brings in money and protects against financial misfortune. Harvest a small quantity at the full moon. Dry and burn in the cauldron. Place ashes in a magical amulet.
How to use magickal herbs:
- Burn over charcoal to add to your rituals.
- Place on altar with your candle.
- Roll candle on herbs and burn candle.
- Add to altar.
- Add to sacred baths and natural beauty products.
- Sew into charms, spell bags, dream pillows, and sachets.
- Offer to deities, spirits and Fae.
- Create your own elixirs and blends.
Medicinal: The alfalfa plant has beneficial healing properties against bad breath, sore or achy joints, imbalanced skin conditions, and it even increases immune system functionality. When consumed regularly, it acts as an alternative to over the counter pain medicines for headaches or migraines because of its high calcium and magnesium levels. Naturally high in many essential vitamins and minerals, including A, D, E, K, and even the full family of B vitamins; biotin, calcium, folic acid, iron, magnesium, potassium and many others, as well as being very high in protein, especially when dried. Do not use if you have an auto-immune disease.
Medicinal Preparation:
- Herbal leaves or flowers: 1 tsp per cup of boiling water. Allow to infuse for 10 min. Strain and drink.
- Herbal powders: 1 tsp per cup of boiling water
- Seeds, bark, roots, stems, berries: 20 gr per 500ml of boiling water. Strain and drink.
Disclaimer: Please be aware that this information is provided solely for informational purposes only. It is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to using any herbs or treatments made from herbs.